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Browse Schools in Mount Fletcher at School4SA

The south African city of Mount Fletcher has 107 schools all suburbs and townships. You can review the schools summary below or for a full prifule on any school you can click on the links below. To refine the results by specialisation or by phase please use the links to you right-hand side to view the results.
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Nearby Areas:
Matatiele - Maluti - Cedarville - Kokstad - Farm - Sandfonteinfarm

Schools to browse in Mount Fletcher
School Name Suburb / Township Phase Specialisation
Ali Sp SchoolMt FletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Batlokoa Js SchoolBatlokoaCombined SchoolOrdinary
Bethania Js SchoolMount FletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Bethania Ss SchoolBethanieSecondary SchoolCommercial
Biothatelo Sp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Chevy Chase Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Claude Makeng Sp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Dengwane Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Elukhanyisweni Sp SchoolUmfantaPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Esilindini Js SchoolMount FletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Esixhotyeni Sp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Ezingonyameni Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Farview Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Fletcherville Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Fobane Js SchoolMount FletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Frank Moshesh Js SchoolQumbuCombined SchoolOrdinary
Gebane Sp SchoolMatatielePrimary SchoolOrdinary
Gugwini Jp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Gxaku Js SchoolMatatieleCombined SchoolOrdinary
Henry Valtyn Sp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Ilingelethu Sp SchoolMount FletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Jongisizwe Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Khalatsu Sp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Khanya Ss SchoolMtfletcherSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Khulanathi Jp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Koloni P SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Kuebung Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Lehana Ss SchoolTsekong LocationSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Lehana's Pass Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Lengopeng Sp SchoolLahlanguboPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Linotsing Js SchoolMatatieleCombined SchoolOrdinary
Liphakoeng Jp SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Liphofung Sp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Lower Kete-kete Js SchoolKeteketeCombined SchoolOrdinary
Lower Nxotshana Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Lower Thokoana Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Lower Tsitsana Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Luzie Drift Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolArts, Drama, Music & Ballet
Luzie Drift Ss SchoolLuzieSecondary SchoolComprehensive
Luzie Poort P SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Madlangeni P SchoolMt FletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Mafusini Sp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolArts, Drama, Music & Ballet
Magedla Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Mahanyaneng Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Mahemeng Jp SchoolTsolobengPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Makhuleng Sp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Makuatlane Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Maluti Sp SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Mamontoeli Js SchoolThokoana LocationCombined SchoolOrdinary
Mangoloaneng Js SchoolMangoloanengCombined SchoolOrdinary
Mangolong Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Matshaneng Jp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Matsoana P SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Mbambangwe Js SchoolMount FletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Mbizeni Sp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Mdeni Sp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Mhlontlo Js SchoolHlankomoCombined SchoolOrdinary
Mhlontlo Ss SchoolHlankomoSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Mokhalong Jp SchoolUmfanta/ EluxeniPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Moriting Js SchoolMount FletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Moroka Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Morulane Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Mt Fletcher Village Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Mvuzi Js SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Naledi Jp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Natlane Sekonyela Sp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Ngaqangana Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Nkamani's Sp SchoolMkamaniPrimary SchoolArts, Drama, Music & Ballet
Nomzamo P SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Nonkqubela Js SchoolQumbuCombined SchoolOrdinary
Nqalweni Js SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Phaphama Sp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Phirintsu Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Phuthing Sp SchoolPhuthing LocationPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Popopo Js SchoolMount FletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Purutle Sp SchoolMount FletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Ramafole Ss SchoolRamafoleSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Remang Motheo Jp SchoolTsekongPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Sigoga Sp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Soloane Hill Sp SchoolMatatielePrimary SchoolOrdinary
Solomzi Js SchoolMaclearCombined SchoolOrdinary
Sondaba Sp SchoolMount FletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
St Matthews Js SchoolNcomespringsCombined SchoolOrdinary
St Thomas Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Thaba-khubelu Sp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Thakabanna Ss SchoolChevy ChaseSecondary SchoolComprehensive
Thembalethu Jp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolArts, Drama, Music & Ballet
Thembeni P SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Tinana Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Tlokoeng Jp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Tsekong Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Tsolobeng Js SchoolTsolobengCombined SchoolOrdinary
Tswelopele Jp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Ulundi Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Umfanta Js SchoolUmfantu A/aCombined SchoolOrdinary
Upper Mhlontlo Sp SchoolMaclearPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Upper Mtumasi Js SchoolRamafoleCombined SchoolOrdinary
Upper Nxaxa Js SchoolQumbuCombined SchoolOrdinary
Upper Nxotshana P SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Upper Thokoana Sp SchoolMtfletcherPrimary SchoolOrdinary
Upper Tsitsana Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Vuvu Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolArts, Drama, Music & Ballet
Zamuxolo Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Zanyeni Js SchoolMtfletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Zibi Meyer Js SchoolMount FletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary
Zibi Meyer Ss SchoolMount FletcherSecondary SchoolOrdinary
Zimpofu Js SchoolMt FletcherCombined SchoolOrdinary

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9am - 4pm
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